News & Insight

Telling a story with conflict in the spotlight

Telling a story with conflict in the spotlight

Article by Livecom Admin.

17th October 2022

There’s a lot of significance placed on how a brand conveys its brand story. For some, it’s in their humble beginnings. Their origin story. For some, it’s in the good deeds they do for their communities. Their social responsibility story. For some, it’s their features and benefits. Their product story. For some, it’s in how they break the mould. Their disruption story. There is no right or wrong to conveying this to an audience,  but they’re also not complete or compelling without these brand stories finding their meaning and resonance. This is why at LIVECOM, we tackle each project by diving deep into the intricacies of each brand story. So how do we get to the root of a captivating brand story? The most significant element of any story is ‘conflict’. Conflict is when we identify a problem or challenge and become compelled by the process of solving it. Embracing conflict is crucial to keep an audience invested in how a storyline unfolds and how your brand can shine through the resolution. Why does conflict fuel every brand story?
  • It gives your main character a challenge to overcome
  • It creates tension that keeps an audience on the edge of their seats for what will happen next
  • It propels the story forward towards a grand confrontation and a resolution
  • It forces characters to make tough choices, to transition, evolve and ultimately emerge in a new place which may be better or worse
All while having the audience along for the unfolding and resolution of the story – making it that much more rewarding in the end. While most brands value the significance of brand storytelling, very few understand that bringing conflict to life animates a brand’s purpose and can help define who the brand is. The idea of highlighting conflict within a brand story may seem like a negative approach, but it’s actually what hooks an audience, sparks their curiosity and holds their attention. The following conflict paths can be used to yield the most suitable story for your brand:
  1. Character vs Self – give your character some flaws
  2. Character vs Character – let your character face opposition from one or more than one characters in your story
  3. Character vs Natural World – have your character battle a natural force
  4. Character vs Society – have your character struggle to either stand out or fit in
  5. Character vs Technology – have your character struggle to keep up with technology
  6. Character vs Fate – pit your character against his own destiny
From the above, you would need to figure out what role your brand plays in the story. Does it actively help the character overcome its challenges? Does it simply recognise or support the characters struggle? Sure, conflict may seem like another term for a problem or pain point, but here at LIVECOM, we look at this through a different lens. To us, the crucial difference between a problem and conflict is that conflict wakes up a feeling of action among an audience. Conflict is a problem that the customer is motivated enough to resolve, whereas a problem can simply be ignored. Conflict must be decided. Many businesses go wrong when they focus their brand story on a problem the customer can tolerate vs a conflict they have to resolve. We know dramatic conflict is essential to connecting with an audience’s emotional intelligence. So why shy away from uncovering and telling your whole brand story? Let’s collaborate and help you crack the hook that will capture the imagination of your audience and believe in what your brand represents.


Live Communications
Block 1, Ground Floor, 4 Karen Street,

BBEEE Level 2

+27 (0)10 443 7189

News & Insight

Harnessing the power of analogies to inspire creativity


Live Communications
Block 1, Ground Floor, 4 Karen Street,

BBEEE Level 2

+27 (0)10 443 7189

Harnessing the power of analogies to inspire creativity

Article by Livecom Admin.

17th October 2022

So you’re ready to solve your brand problem, a problem that may be unfamiliar, uninteresting, complex, controversial or even unmentionable. Before you set off and dive into connecting the dots and plotting the way forward, perhaps consider; would an analogy help.

Analogies are part of the human experience. We need them when we’re too young to comprehend complex realities, and as grown-ups, they come in handy in helping us relay these complexities to young children. Think the birds and the bees.

In the creative space, analogies are a valuable tool for creative problem solving to help move away from the obvious and encourage ‘out of the box’ thinking that gives us fresh new ways of looking at the environment around us. Analogies work because our brains use patterns and shortcuts to understand and deal with the world. And with the correct analogy in place, you can give your brand problem:

  • fresh insights
  • relevance
  • comprehensibility
  • social acceptance and, most importantly
  • resonance with your brands audience

The key to harnessing the power of an analogy is getting the connecting line just right, which links the analogy problem with the real-world problem you want to highlight. Exploring unrelated concepts for insights that you can apply to your brand problem creates endless creative possibilities.  

Let’s turn your brand problem into a refreshed, memorable way of capturing the attention and imagination of your audience and building a rewarding conversation that resonates. 

News & Insight

The Honest Truth of Advertising

The Honest Truth of Advertising

Article by Livecom Admin.

17th October 2022

We’ve all heard the claims. One car is the best four wheel drive on the market. A particular toothpaste will leave your teeth whiter than white. A diet pill will shave 5kgs off your waistline. And the claims are all well and good until your order arrives and, well, the face cream doesn’t make you look quite like a Hollywood celebrity.

As brands, it’s time to be honest. Brutally so.

We’re living in an age of growing cynicism. Telling it like it is in your ads – even if you’re admitting that, “You know what? We’re not actually the best.” – is a sure fire way to win over consumers. This, in turn, increases sales and brand equity.

So what do we need to be honest?

  1. Bravery

Work for an agency? Exploring the shortcomings of a product won’t damage a brand. It builds trust with consumers. When people trust advertising, they trust the product or service it’s selling. We need to pitch unexpected ideas. It’ll be worth it in the long run.

  1. Reflection

This is a tough one. If you’re a brand manager, take a long, hard look at your product or service. Nothing is perfect and it’s a good exercise to identify flaws. Reflecting on your product will reveal the weaknesses that you can capitalise on.

  1. Balance

When we say “be honest,” we don’t mean, “speak negatively about your brand.” We’re just promoting humility every now and then. It’s okay to point out your strengths too. Just stay away from exaggeration; people see straight through it.

Our belief in honesty drove our most recent ISUZU Women’s Month campaign. We didn’t knock the brand. We didn’t depict the brand in a bad light. We just recognised that women – not other car brands – top us when it comes to admirable qualities.

Have a look.

And we’re not the only ones who live by this. Smart brands have created honest advertising that is charming, surprising, and trustworthy for years.

Remember Avis’ “We’re number 2” ads?

Or what about KFC’s “FCK” campaign?

Then there’s Dominos Pizza’s “Turnaround” spot.

And, of course, Radioshack’s “Phone call” commercial.

Honesty comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s apologizing for a mistake. Other times it’s pointing out an imperfection. Whatever it looks like for your brand, we say, “Go for it.”


Live Communications
Block 1, Ground Floor, 4 Karen Street,

BBEEE Level 2

+27 (0)10 443 7189

News & Insight

Social Marketing Trends and the Impact on Business

Social Marketing Trends and the Impact on Business

Article by Livecom Admin.

17th October 2022

Due to the continual shift in metrics, algorithms, and customer behavior, social media marketing has become tough for companies. This level of complexity is rapidly growing. Even if you’re passionate about social media marketing, being challenged by shifting technology and metrics may be stressful.

In addition, new privacy rules governing social media marketing are putting businesses in a difficult position when it comes to sharing information about their consumers. We are seeing more intertwined facets of marketing, communications, and technology. Marketers must be ready to deal with the advanced technological skillsets, new privacy laws, and the rising complexity of a changing society.

For marketers reaching a large audience of potential customers has made social media an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

We are all aware of the importance of social media in our lives. Marketers and customers are in the same boat. Many social media apps and platforms make it easier to sell and buy things online, but it is also the best way to keep customers engaged in future transactions. Reaching several potential consumers and interacting with them is a plus point for marketers. You can call it the most efficient and effective way of building connections with people. 

So, digital marketing, specifically social media marketing, is a way to enhance consumer engagement. If we look at the consumer journey, we see that majority of the consumers follow all the latest trends on platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok. This has lead to higher engagement online as people hop between platforms.

As a result, there is no doubting that social media marketing significantly influences customer journeys and opinions. That is why people turn to social media platforms to determine the importance of an exceptional product. 

The internet is your open market, and the content is what draws people in. Digital marketing plays a role in how a company can make a sale, spread its reach, assess competitors, and market products.

Social Media Users and their Behavior:

Over the past 1.5 years, there has been a noticeable shift in the behavior of social media users. That change has had a significant impact on the way brands and businesses interact with their audiences on social media. 

According to the World Wide Worx, South Africa’s e-commerce sales increased by 66% last year due to the pandemic. That is because South Africans were increasingly opting to buy goods and services online. 

The South Africa Social Media Landscape Report 2021 found that the top five social media platforms that brands are highly active on in SA are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and Instagram. So, there is a high behavioral shift in the way consumers make their purchases.

Digital Marketing Experts and Social Media Trends:

It seems that social media trends are a hot topic on the agenda of social media experts these days. This trend will surely give a further boost to the marketing development in the coming years.

We see that in recent times, one of the most popular social marketing trends is influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on promoting a company or product through prominent content creators. These content creators can significantly impact their followers, and they can promote your brand or product to a larger audience.

Also, with the increased usage of social apps, marketers now know the importance of social media marketing. Therefore, it is their priority to use and take advantage of this chance. Consumers are eager to browse things online and make purchases from the comfort of their own homes.

Moreover, social media has made it easy to share the brand experience with others. That can be one of the contributing factors to enhancing the brand image and brand awareness. So, the more people talk about your service or product, the wider will be your audience reach. The higher the likes on your social media pages, the higher would be the consumer engagement. 

Hence, it is essential to incorporate social media into your digital campaigns. Social media is a powerful tool that marketers can use to reach out to potential customers and followers. It is important to remember that social media should be used as part of a larger digital marketing strategy and not as a standalone tool. Social media can help build brand awareness, create engagement, and drive traffic to your website if used properly.

Lastly, the trend of using live videos also can have a significant impact on businesses. Live video allows businesses to connect with their customers in real-time and provide them with valuable content.

Marketers can use this content to promote services and their products in general. People who used social media in 2021 counted for 3.6 billion. Marketers need to make efforts and plan strategically to gain and retain consumers. According to current data, there will be 3.96 billion social media users worldwide in 2022, up 4.8 percent from the previous year.

Similarly, in an annual study of social media trends in South Africa, Facebook remains the social network of choice for marketing, while TikTok is swiftly gaining support among businesses and consumers.

According to the 2020 edition of the South African Social Media Landscape, issued this week by World Wide Worx, over a third of big businesses want to join TikTok, the fastest growing social media network among consumers. Fewer than 20% of brands have utilized it in the last year.  

From the facts, it is also evident that the emergence of social media platforms has increased brand visibility. For some businesses, the urge to rank their websites has increased. These companies wish to appear on search engine results pages. The same, in other words, means that you as a business are making an impact if your site is growing. 

Thus, how you use such social media platforms and conduct various digital campaigns to draw attention and engagement is dependent on how you use them. Overall, to be successful in the long run, marketers must adapt to and follow these trends.



Live Communications
Block 1, Ground Floor, 4 Karen Street,

BBEEE Level 2

+27 (0)10 443 7189

News & Insight

Social Marketing Trends and the Impact on Business

Due to the continual shift in metrics, algorithms, and customer behavior, social media marketing has become tough for companies. This level of complexity is rapidly growing. Even if you’re passionate about social media marketing, being challenged by shifting technology and metrics may be stressful.

In addition, new privacy rules governing social media marketing are putting businesses in a difficult position when it comes to sharing information about their consumers. We are seeing more intertwined facets of marketing, communications, and technology. Marketers must be ready to deal with the advanced technological skillsets, new privacy laws, and the rising complexity of a changing society.

For marketers reaching a large audience of potential customers has made social media an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

We are all aware of the importance of social media in our lives. Marketers and customers are in the same boat. Many social media apps and platforms make it easier to sell and buy things online, but it is also the best way to keep customers engaged in future transactions. Reaching several potential consumers and interacting with them is a plus point for marketers. You can call it the most efficient and effective way of building connections with people.

So, digital marketing, specifically social media marketing, is a way to enhance consumer engagement. If we look at the consumer journey, we see that majority of the consumers follow all the latest trends on platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok. This has lead to higher engagement online as people hop between platforms.

As a result, there is no doubting that social media marketing significantly influences customer journeys and opinions. That is why people turn to social media platforms to determine the importance of an exceptional product.

The internet is your open market, and the content is what draws people in. Digital marketing plays a role in how a company can make a sale, spread its reach, assess competitors, and market products.

Social Media Users and their Behavior:

Over the past 1.5 years, there has been a noticeable shift in the behavior of social media users. That change has had a significant impact on the way brands and businesses interact with their audiences on social media.

According to the World Wide Worx, South Africa’s e-commerce sales increased by 66% last year due to the pandemic. That is because South Africans were increasingly opting to buy goods and services online.

The South Africa Social Media Landscape Report 2021 found that the top five social media platforms that brands are highly active on in SA are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, and Instagram. So, there is a high behavioral shift in the way consumers make their purchases.

Digital Marketing Experts and Social Media Trends:

It seems that social media trends are a hot topic on the agenda of social media experts these days. This trend will surely give a further boost to the marketing development in the coming years.

We see that in recent times, one of the most popular social marketing trends is influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on promoting a company or product through prominent content creators. These content creators can significantly impact their followers, and they can promote your brand or product to a larger audience.

Also, with the increased usage of social apps, marketers now know the importance of social media marketing. Therefore, it is their priority to use and take advantage of this chance. Consumers are eager to browse things online and make purchases from the comfort of their own homes.

Moreover, social media has made it easy to share the brand experience with others. That can be one of the contributing factors to enhancing the brand image and brand awareness. So, the more people talk about your service or product, the wider will be your audience reach. The higher the likes on your social media pages, the higher would be the consumer engagement.

Hence, it is essential to incorporate social media into your digital campaigns. Social media is a powerful tool that marketers can use to reach out to potential customers and followers. It is important to remember that social media should be used as part of a larger digital marketing strategy and not as a standalone tool. Social media can help build brand awareness, create engagement, and drive traffic to your website if used properly.

Lastly, the trend of using live videos also can have a significant impact on businesses. Live video allows businesses to connect with their customers in real-time and provide them with valuable content.

Marketers can use this content to promote services and their products in general. People who used social media in 2021 counted for 3.6 billion. Marketers need to make efforts and plan strategically to gain and retain consumers. According to current data, there will be 3.96 billion social media users worldwide in 2022, up 4.8 percent from the previous year.

Similarly, in an annual study of social media trends in South Africa, Facebook remains the social network of choice for marketing, while TikTok is swiftly gaining support among businesses and consumers.

According to the 2020 edition of the South African Social Media Landscape, issued this week by World Wide Worx, over a third of big businesses want to join TikTok, the fastest growing social media network among consumers. Fewer than 20% of brands have utilized it in the last year.

From the facts, it is also evident that the emergence of social media platforms has increased brand visibility. For some businesses, the urge to rank their websites has increased. These companies wish to appear on search engine results pages. The same, in other words, means that you as a business are making an impact if your site is growing.

Thus, how you use such social media platforms and conduct various digital campaigns to draw attention and engagement is dependent on how you use them. Overall, to be successful in the long run, marketers must adapt to and follow these trends.


News & Insight

Stuff the mushroom – LIVE’nisims

This little saying is something our ECD, Wim Spronk lives by and makes sure that what the agency produces you can see it.


So, what does it mean?

As explained by Wim “Anyone can make a mushroom – bit of butter, a bit of garlic & it’s done.

But what happens when you add some creamy gorgonzola, a touch of pesto and a sprinkle of breadcrumbs? Now that’s sounds so much better, doesn’t it?


Well, that’s the way we think at LIVE, we are always looking at ways to “stuff the mushroom” on every project, how we can elevate the ideas, the executions, the outcomes. It is very important to us to go beyond the brief.”


A great example of this is the ISUZU Samurai Shó Dealer Campaign. Our initial brief was to create a certificate – you know those ones in a clipper frame. Instead, we went back to the client with an internal dealer campaign that included beautiful certificates that dealers are happy to hang up in their reception areas, gongs that are awarded to top dealers as well as dealer conferences every year. The ISUZU Samurai Shó Dealer Campaign has been driving sales and some great competitiveness between dealers for the past 3 years.


Have a look at the campaign on our website [LINK]

News & Insight

Quirky characters

Using characters can be a fun & interesting way to engage with your audience. They can also break the barriers to people feeling excluded or not represented.


They are great mascots for a brand as they can be customised to represent the brand’s essence and tonality. They can also feel like they are part of the team.


We created some cool characters for our clients, like A.C.E – the bot that helps the FNB frontline team stay up to date with any changing information through an intranet platform that includes a chat-bot that engages with staff & asks them questions to drive product offering knowledge.


We have also created Samurai Max – he’s used by ISUZU to spread the news across the business via videos, emailers & other internal platforms.


As a proactive idea the Maestro Mosquito was born with his annoying violin & his stage being your bedroom.


Check out our website to have a look at what we can do.

News & Insight

How going behind the scenes keeps your product “top of mind.”

People are curious creatures. We don’t just want to go to the concert; we want to go backstage. We don’t just want to watch the series; we want to watch the “behind the scenes.” And you can take advantage of this in the advertising you create.


But how do you do that?


Introduce them to the people who make the product. Take them to where the product is created. Maybe it’s an assembly line. Maybe it’s a farm. Maybe it’s an art studio. Whatever it is, it’s going to pique the consumer’s interest.


Don’t think your “behind the scenes” is a very interesting place? Make one up. There are no rules and people enjoy a little fun. Create a Willy Wonka-type factory where you claim your chairs are made. Tell people you miraculously farm your strawberries in the desert and then end your TV spot with a twist.


Or you can show people the secret ingredient that makes your sauce unbelievably delicious. You can get the makers to tell their stories. You can even showcase the people who work for you outside of the production environment. Who is the man canning your beans when he’s off the clock? Then tie his characteristics back to your product.


Why does it work?


Because taking people behind the scenes introduces more emotion. You see the passion of the people behind the product. You see the determination. You see the disappointments. The viewer also sees the personality of the brand in a new way. And people relate to this humanness.


So why not try this unique approach? We’re bringing it into our work and can say for sure that it’s adding immeasurable value. If you’re interested in joining us in creating work that resonates, get in touch.


News & Insight

“behind the scenes”


People are curious creatures. We don’t just want to go to the concert; we want to go backstage. We don’t just want to watch the series; we want to watch the “behind the scenes.” And you can take advantage of this in the advertising you create.


But how do you do that?


Introduce them to the people who make the product. Take them to where the product is created. Maybe it’s an assembly line. Maybe it’s a farm. Maybe it’s an art studio. Whatever it is, it’s going to pique the consumer’s interest.


Don’t think your “behind the scenes” is a very interesting place? Make one up. There are no rules and people enjoy a little fun. Create a Willy Wonka-type factory where you claim your chairs are made. Tell people you miraculously farm your strawberries in the desert and then end your TV spot with a twist.


Or you can show people the secret ingredient that makes your sauce unbelievably delicious. Get the makers to tell their stories.


And why does it work?


Because taking people behind the scenes introduces more emotion. You see the passion of the people behind the product. You see the determination. You see the disappointments. And people relate to this humanness.

News & Insight

The Honest Truth of Advertising

We’ve all heard the claims. One car is the best four wheel drive on the market. A particular toothpaste will leave your teeth whiter than white. A diet pill will shave 5kgs off your waistline. And the claims are all well and good until your order arrives and, well, the face cream doesn’t make you look quite like a Hollywood celebrity.


As brands, it’s time to be honest. Brutally so.


We’re living in an age of growing cynicism. Telling it like it is in your ads – even if you’re admitting that, “You know what? We’re not actually the best.” – is a sure fire way to win over consumers. This, in turn, increases sales and brand equity.


So what do we need to be honest?


  1. Bravery

Work for an agency? Exploring the shortcomings of a product won’t damage a brand. It builds trust with consumers. When people trust advertising, they trust the product or service it’s selling. We need to pitch unexpected ideas. It’ll be worth it in the long run.

  1. Reflection

This is a tough one. If you’re a brand manager, take a long, hard look at your product or service. Nothing is perfect and it’s a good exercise to identify flaws. Reflecting on your product will reveal the weaknesses that you can capitalise on.

  1. Balance

When we say “be honest,” we don’t mean, “speak negatively about your brand.” We’re just promoting humility every now and then. It’s okay to point out your strengths too. Just stay away from exaggeration; people see straight through it.


Our belief in honesty drove our most recent ISUZU Women’s Month campaign. We didn’t knock the brand. We didn’t depict the brand in a bad light. We just recognised that women – not other car brands – top us when it comes to admirable qualities.


Have a look.


(Insert artwork – we just need to pull something from Scan’s machine.)


And we’re not the only ones who live by this. Smart brands have created honest advertising that is charming, surprising, and trustworthy for years.


Remember Avis’ “We’re number 2” ads?



Or what about KFC’s “FCK” campaign?






Then there’s Dominos Pizza’s “Turnaround” spot.


(embed YouTube video)


And, of course, Radioshack’s “Phone call” commercial.


(embed YouTube video)


Honesty comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s apologizing for a mistake. Other times it’s pointing out an imperfection. Whatever it looks like for your brand, we say, “Go for it.”

Because, in all honesty, it’s good for your business, your agency and the people who add your product to their cart.