Telling a story with conflict in the spotlight
Article by Livecom Admin.
Date: 17th October 2022
There’s a lot of significance placed on how a brand conveys its brand story. For some, it’s in their humble beginnings. Their origin story. For some, it’s in the good deeds they do for their communities. Their social responsibility story. For some, it’s their features and benefits. Their product story. For some, it’s in how they break the mould. Their disruption story. There is no right or wrong to conveying this to an audience, but they’re also not complete or compelling without these brand stories finding their meaning and resonance. This is why at LIVECOM, we tackle each project by diving deep into the intricacies of each brand story.
So how do we get to the root of a captivating brand story?
The most significant element of any story is ‘conflict’. Conflict is when we identify a problem or challenge and become compelled by the process of solving it. Embracing conflict is crucial to keep an audience invested in how a storyline unfolds and how your brand can shine through the resolution.
Why does conflict fuel every brand story?
- It gives your main character a challenge to overcome
- It creates tension that keeps an audience on the edge of their seats for what will happen next
- It propels the story forward towards a grand confrontation and a resolution
- It forces characters to make tough choices, to transition, evolve and ultimately emerge in a new place which may be better or worse
- Character vs Self – give your character some flaws
- Character vs Character – let your character face opposition from one or more than one characters in your story
- Character vs Natural World – have your character battle a natural force
- Character vs Society – have your character struggle to either stand out or fit in
- Character vs Technology – have your character struggle to keep up with technology
- Character vs Fate – pit your character against his own destiny
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